Most people are unaware that a normal body’s bone density peaks at the age of 30, then the body starts to reabsorb calcium away from its bones. Aging, menopause, and a poor diet can exacerbate bone loss. You may be aware of some ways to keep your bones healthy; you might even be taking your calcium and vitamin D. But are you doing other things that actually hurt without knowing it? Here are 5 ways...
When it comes to bone health, one word can cause some serious concern: osteoporosis. This bone disease occurs when the body loses too much bone or stops producing enough bone, or sometimes, both. The result is significant bone loss over time, which leads to bones weakening and can even cause fracturing during daily activities. Most people associate osteoporosis with women. While women -are- at a higher...
If you are a woman of a certain age, you are probably concerned about bone health, and rightly so. Older women are most at risk for declining bone mass, thanks mainly to rapid hormonal changes around the time of menopause. But that doesn’t mean men get off scot-free. Osteoporosis is well-known as a disease of aging; by age 70 men are losing bone just as rapidly as women. For many years, another worrisome...
When was the last time you had your bone density checked? Approximately -10 million people- in the United States suffer from -osteoporosis- with another 44 million at risk of thinning bones, and many of them are only one bad fall away from tragedy. But we can all reduce our risk by adopting the right exercise regimen now. It turns out, this may be our best weapon against brittle bones. Bones become...
A -new medication- to treat osteoporosis has been found to increase bone density and reduce the risk of fracture in vulnerable adults. This finding could vastly improve the quality of life for seniors who are at risk for a disabling fracture. Not only will the drug prevent fractures, but as a result, it will also allow people with osteoporosis to enjoy more activities than they would otherwise be able...