How did you learn to apologize? We all know the words “I’m sorry,” but were you ever taught how to - effectively - apologize to another person? - A typical marital argument can get heightened by insincere or backhanded apologies; “I’m sorry you overreacted,” or “I’m sorry you think that,” or “I’m sorry your mother is insane” are not apologies. You can’t just slap an “I’m sorry” label on an insult or...
A good apology is a superpower. Master it with just 4 simple actions and it can change your life. Okay, so nobody’s perfect. At some point or other, we all screw up. We’ve lost a borrowed sweater, shouted mean things in anger, or accidentally sideswiped a parked car. What can set you above most other people is the ability to deal with those mistakes quickly, effectively, and confidently. Wait, seriously?...
When conflict arises, are you the person who's quick to apologize, wanting to sweep everything under the rug so the tension goes away? Or are you the one who tends to hold that hurt for a while, allowing the offensive words to gain a life of their own? Most of us identify with one approach or the other when arguments happen in love. The problem is neither response leads to a true reconciliation that...