It’s natural to want to stay up to date on the news, especially when so much is currently going on in the world. With all of this uncertainty and worry, many people have come to a point where the weight of it all has become too heavy. But when we combine this restless worrisome uncertainty with a feeling of helplessness, we might begin to experience what's known colloquially a doomscrolling. “Doomscrolling”...
We all have down days. Days when it just feels like nothing is going our way. Days when it feels like nothing will ever go our way again! We all wake up on the wrong side of the bed sometimes, and other times we wake up happy, but in the course of our day things can go downhill and by the time we get home it feels like nothing has gone right. There are numerous quotes out there about how bad times...
Dogs not only give us companionship and love, the human-animal bond provides healthier lives and combats anxiety. Steven Feldman, the Executive Director of the Human Animal Bond Research Institute (HABRI), has researched the many benefits of owning a pet and has shown that -there are positive effects for those with depression and anxiety.- The evidence shows how the emotional and social well-being...
When was the last time you had a good cuppa? There are numerous -health benefits- to drinking green tea, from its anti-inflammatory effects to its antiviral and anticancer properties. Tea is, by all rights, a genuine superfood. And it turns out, it may even help to turn around a depressed mood. The Link Between Green Tea and Depression - Depression can be -common- in older adults, especially among...
Reaching the end of your rope and need a few new ways to deal with it all? Maybe you’ve considered therapy but aren’t sure what will work best for you. There could be apps that might help but they may not be great for everyone. We have a breakdown of all the pros and cons, when to try an app and when to seek other options. Let's look at how they stack up to in-person therapy. The Benefits of Therapy...
Anyone who has bouts of temporary or chronic anxiety is not alone. Millions of people suffer from anxiety, due to either situational, physical, physiological or mental health challenges. Some people deal with their anxiety as best they can, on their own, others see a doctor, who might prescribe a drug such as Valium, Xanax or an anti-depressant. These drugs might do well at reducing the more immediate...
Even though things have gotten a little crazy with the coronavirus situation, it could get more serious before it gets better and though we're all in this together, we're also all more separate than we've ever been before. The United States jumped to #1 in infection stats on Thursday and most experts agree that with more than 83,000 cases and over 1,100 reported deaths, a mass quarantine may be inevitable....
The incidence of colorectal cancer is on the rise. We've all heard that before but what many don't know is that this is especially true among younger people. In fact, the numbers are startling. Those born in 1990 are twice as likely to develop colon cancer and four times as likely to develop rectal cancer than those born in 1950, according to the -American Cancer Society. As a result, more people under...
Be honest: How many times have you checked Facebook today? If you’re like 51% of -Facebook users-, the answer is “multiple times.” More than 4 out of 10 people also check Snapchat and Instagram several times per day, and the average adult racks up -nearly 2.5 hours- of daily social media time. Dedicating this much time to the online world can make us less productive, and it may even cause issues with...
Although it’s been recognized as a valid therapy since -1958- in the United States, hypnotherapy is still considered controversial, with many people believing it is not effective and amounts to nothing more than hocus pocus. The evidence, however, says otherwise. Hypnotherapy has been proven effective at treating certain conditions, such as chronic pain, phobias, eating disorders, smoking cessation,...