I follow news closely because of selfish worry I may develop dementia following the loss of both parents to this devastating brain disease. My middle-aged siblings and I are -children of dementia. A history lesson may be in order for perspective. The German physician Alois Alzheimer studied Auguste Deter in 1906; you can think of Auguste as dementia’s patient zero. Dr. Alzheimer worked to understand...
Everyone’s brain gets a bit dim with age; it’s part of the normal aging process. However, forgetfulness can also be a sign that -something more serious- is at play, such as dementia, hypothyroidism, medication interactions, brain tumor, trauma or another disease. If an illness is to blame, quick intervention is vital. Therefore, it’s important to recognize the difference between normal forgetfulness...
When was the last time you had a family game night or enjoyed a friendly match of chess or checkers with a close friend or significant other? It can be fun to pull out a board game and get competitive every once in a while, and it might even be good for you. It turns out, board games might offer far more than entertainment. Play is essential to our wellbeing, and board games can fill that need. They...