At the Aesthetic Surgery Center of Napa Valley, Dr. John Zimmermann and his experienced medical staff, offer a full range of breast, body, facial, and skin rejuvenation procedures in a fully accredited surgical facility designed with the highest safety standards. The practice also offers a medical spa that uses the latest in laser technology and medical grade skin care products. To learn more about our practice and the procedures we offer, please visit our website.
Primary Specialty
Cosmetic Surgeon
EducationMedical College of Wisconsin (previously Marquette School of Medicine)
TrainingChief Residency - Stanford University Medical Center, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery - Stanford University Medical Center and Affiliated Hospitals, General Surgery - Stanford University Medical Center and Affiliated Hospitals, Head and Neck Surgery - Roswell Park Memorial Institute, Straight Surgical Internship - Stanford University Medical Center,
CertificationAmerican Board of Plastic Surgery, 1981