Paul Webb, MD

Paul Webb, MD
Route 6 West Farm & Home Plaza Wyalusing, PA 18853

Paul Webb, MD

Paul Webb, MD practices as an Internist in Wyalusing, PA.He graduated from University of Vt Coll of Med, Burlington Vt, University of Vermont, College of Medicine, Burlington.
Primary Specialty


Gender Male
Education University of Vt Coll of Med, Burlington Vt, University of Vermont, College of Medicine, Burlington
Services Paul Webb, MD provides internal medicine in Wyalusing, PA. Paul Webb, MD is listed as an internist, which is a physician who studies Internal Medicine for adults.

To learn more, or to make an appointment with Paul Webb, MD in Wyalusing, PA, please call (570) 746-3500.
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Definitely, they make everyone feel equally respected and cared for
by Anonymous
August 30, 2011