In January 2017, I was diagnosed with severe degenerative spinal disease. I am only 33 years old, and I've undergone 3 major spinal surgeries since January 2017. This disease has dramatically changed the quality of my life. I've loss careers, social life, peace, traveling, and suffered many financial hardships due to this disease, and the unsatisfactory care from surgeons, specialists and doctors didn't make my life any better. All previous Pain Management doctors have been pumping me with a plethora of pills, ranging from Hydromorphone, Percocets, Gabapentin, Naproxen, Muscle relaxers, steroid injections, and etc. All of these pills didn't cure me, they actually made things a bit worse. Dr. Boris is the FIRST Pain Management doctor Ive seen that spoke life into me. He advised me to stop taking those hard opiods, and steroid injections, and push me in the direction of changing my DIET. He is FIRST doctor to advise me to watch this informative documentary about the importance of food, as well as its cautions. He is the FIRST doctor to give me NON-STEROID injections, and to my surprise, these injections has lowered my pain level, and is NOT triggering other harmful side effects. I am a new patient of doctor Boris, and he has already CHANGED MY LIFE! I have a Colorectal Surgeon, 3 Pain Management Doctors, a Neurologist, Spinal Surgeon, Gastric Sleeve Surgeon, Physical Therapist, and Primary Care Doctor, and Dr. Boris stands out DRAMATICALLY! I refer Dr. Boris, because not only is he a great Doctor, but he actually CARES about his patients and doesn't view me as just a NUMBER, but a warmblooded HUMAN BEING with feelings!
by Kenneth O Fitzgerald
November 23, 2019